Rude and disrespectful students, riotous classrooms, poor standards and low expectations, students without direction or motivation, courses without resources, little discipline and teachers drowning in an avalanche of paperwork - the actual face of teaching in the UK in 2016.
No Schemes of Work & Minimal Resources
Level of Students & the Lack of Discipline
Devalued Qualifications
No Real Teaching and Low Level of English accepted
Paperwork Mountain & Unrealistic Expectations
From Day one, I was told by Senior Management that this job was not a 9-5 position and I would have to work weekends and evenings. Again, this is fine to a point and as a teacher, I have always worked longer hours than I am paid. But it is the expectation that is not right and it places incredible pressure on teachers. Colleges have reduced staffing to a bare minimum and teachers are then asked to the jobs of others. It's all about cost cutting and saving money at the expense of teachers and, ultimately, students will suffer by not being provided with the education they deserve.